
Raju Rage: Under/Valued Energetic Economy

14 July 2018 — 02 August 2018
This is a text box

Under/Valued Energetic Economy (a term inspired by Alexis Pauline Gumbs) is an installation and work in progress by Raju Rage which maps out the tangled ecology between "activism", "arts" and "academia". Presented on a trestle table top with objects and artifacts that references their interest in kitchen-table conversations and the knowledges that are produced by them, the work highlights informal strategies of organising, creativity and collectivity as valuable. It also explores alternative archiving of his/her/their stories.

Raju Rage is an interdisciplinary artist who is proactive about using art, education and activism to forge creative survival.
Based in London and working beyond, they explore the spaces and relationships between dis/connected bodies, theory and practice, text and the body and aesthetics and the political substance. Their current interests are around conditions, sustainability and care. They are a member of Collective Creativity arts collective, A peoples Art Collective and a creative educator and associate lecturer at UAL (with Shades of Noir) with an interest in radical pedagogy.


On 28 July we hosted a roundtable session, where there were readings and background to the work in progress and we will touch upon questions addressed by the work. Through this event and in line with both Jupiter Woods' ethos and Raju Rage's research, we wanted to generate dialogue around value, care, and alternative economies of living and relating by generating a space for collective reflection. The discussion was followed by a collective meal in the garden of Jupiter Woods.